educator professionalism, Professional Development, professional learning, school leadership

Seriously Speaking about PDP Planning

…we must acknowledge that getting there will take much more than tinkering with the types or amount of professional development teachers receive, or further scaling other aspects of our current approach. It will require a new conversation about teacher development—one that asks fundamentally different questions about what better teaching means and how to achieve it (The Mirage, p. 4).

action plan 3

‘Tis the season of professional learning planning. As the academic year comes to a close (in many regions), teachers and school-based administrators are encouraged to reflect on their professional practice over one year and create a plan for personal professional growth for the next. As a principal and leadership supervisor, I have witnessed an array of individual professional planning maps, handbooks, and templates, thoughtfully crafted and completed by dedicated teachers and leaders – only to be filed away or uploaded to a shared folder for future reference – if necessary!

Research tells us that PD planning is perhaps the most single important contributor to sustained teacher improvement and thereby improved student achievement. Not surprisingly, most teachers I have worked with readily acknowledge this fact. According to a study, Beyond PD: Teacher Professional Learning in High-Performing Systems (Jensen, Sonnemann, Roberts-Hull, & Hunter) commissioned by the Center of International Education Benchmarking and supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, teacher professional learning is the underlying element for teacher improvement and student achievement. In addition, Joellen Killion, senior advisor to the professional organization, Learning Forward, correctly spells out that a program of professional learning sets out “a set of purposeful, planned actions and the support system necessary to achieve the identified goals. Effective [professional learning] programs are ongoing, coherent, and linked to student achievement” (Killion, 2008, p. 11).

Fundamentally, teachers are no different from other professionals in that they invite possibility. Provided with the gift of time to review, reflect and consider viable and innovative ways of doing things, teachers enjoy the opportunity to set aspirations for a learning environment where students enjoy the process of learning and succeed.  Except for the most jaded teacher, imaging a better next year is an exciting and positive experience and one that most teachers willingly and optimistically enter into.

Therefore, at this time of year, I find myself wondering about the reason for the apparent disconnect between rhetoric and practice. What possible reasons might there be as to why today’s teachers struggle, even agonize, over the development of a worthwhile PDP, knowing that there is a good likelihood that it may collect dust on a shelf in the principal’s office or school’s PD room. Why is so little attemeditation_water_rocksntion given to these professional documents from the moment of approval onwards? Why are these plans typically forgotten about and neglected soon after the commencement of the next academic year? I suspect the issue does not rest with teachers; rather we would be wise to consider both the leadership and the professional culture in the school.

Without question, leadership is key here. In situations where school-based leaders promote and advocate authentic evidenced-based professional learning, the reflection and planning process is transparent and integrated into the professional culture. Professional on-going learning is expected and celebrated with the likely result that both teachers and students in this school are moving forward! Leaders in these schools are transparent about student achievement data and its’ relation to the school’s improvement planning documents. Leaders in these schools organize time and location and teams to review relevant data and documents. They ensure that a variety of helpful resources and templates are available for teachers to use and above all else, leaders in these schools hold high expectations for the professional learning capacity and commitment for each and every teacher.

On the other hand, in cultures characterized by resistance, fear, or inequity, the lack of leadership emphasis for professional learning limits and even hinders teacher energy and participation in the planning process. In these schools, where the end of another busy school year is more about counting down the days and less about professional reflection and planning, weary teachers are hardly inspired to spend time ensuring that all elements of the evaluation and professional growth planning process are directly linked to student progress. Occasionally, in instances when professional development planning does surface, discussion tends to be superficial; showing little relation to student learning. School cultures that consider the professional planning process as automated, irrelevant and somewhat distant process and their expectations for teachers is more about ticking the right boxes rather than establishing a truly professional culture. In these schools, it is hardly surprising that teachers’ planning documents sit idle.

As I think about it, perhaps the question is not so much, why is so little attention paid to teachers’ professional learning plans once they have been crafted and filed. Rather the question is, how might local school systems empower and support school leadership teams to establish and nurture their respective professional communities honoring and celebrating a teachers’ commitment to on-going professional learning for the benefit of students? This topic is too important to set aside – watch for ideas in upcoming posts.

PD Pen






Professional Development

Charging Up in June? Say It’s Not So!

A celebratory ‘count down’ calendar greets any who enter the staff room. Teachers’ lesson planning books are skeletal and often hidden under stacks of files. The classroom daily agenda is officially posted but cotm_countdownnsidered ‘flexible’ due to frequent interruptions such as field trips and/or year-end celebrations or just organized “clean out time”. Staff meetings agendas include any number of end of year checklists and staff interactions are characterized by expressions such as “not long now!” or “on the home stretch!” Minor student infractions are easily overlooked and/or tolerated as are those of the professional staff as socialization over tea and breakfast take priority over scheduled duty. And to top it off, the extreme heat outside makes getting a bit of fresh air seems more fantasy than reality.

Sound familiar? Given that the above description could even remotely resemble school environments in the Middle East today, the question remains, how can school leadership teams (SLT) motivate and support on-going professional learning amongst and within the learning community up until the last day of the academic year? A cursory review of education journals and websites indicates that these last few weeks offer an invaluable time for both individual teacher and collegial planning and organizing for the next year. For example, conducting and analysing year-end bench mark assessments, moderating student work samples, revisiting and updating Individual Education Plans, sorting teacher and student resources and co-planning for the first few weeks of the next academic year. In addition, an integral element of the teacher professional growth model requires teachers to reflect and articulate professional learning goals for the next year and taking the time at the end of the year to share and actively plan for success makes sense.

I appreciate that motivating teachers at the end of a long year is challenging and consequently requires courageous and innovative thinking. Over the years I’ve witnessed inexperienced SLT’s try to cajole the teachers into action with unsurprisingly poor results. Teachers, and especially tired teachers, can be very stubborn! Conversely, I know of SLT’s who have organized a whole scale and scripted program for end of the year planning which often ends in an unfortunate situation where teachers are both tired and grumpy and now resentful! The reality is that neither of these two approaches has enabled a schools’ leadership team to successfully close out one academic year as well as effectively plan for a strong school opening in a few months’ time. Perhaps it’s time for a new approach; an approach that acknowledges both the existing school context as described above and the fundamentals of adult learning.

  1. Encourage and create a positive culture of professional learning. Capitalize on teachers’ inherent curiosity about innovative approaches for teaching and learning. Cultivate and celebrate a culture that enables teachers, individually and collectively, to engage deeply as a learner and to reflect upon the impact of their learning on student achievement.
  2. Promote the expectation that all members of the professional community are responsible for their own growth and learning. Encourage this attitude through carefully scripted questions, prompts and feedback which help teachers to refine their learning goals and progress. Assist teachers to understand their unique learning needs and explore together how these impact wider school goals and targets.
  3. Ensure that each and every learning goal is purposeful and aligned to support individual professional growth (i.e. improved questioning strategies), recognized school improvement targets (i.e. a new program implementation) and larger system or district initiative. Plan for and utilize a variety of group learning activities. Carefully guide and scaffold individual, small group, and whole group learning so that teachers fully engage with the learning. At this time of year, if you are introducing a new way of working or planning, initially connect this to an existing practice and slowly build the complexity of thinking and task. Remember that the goal is to stretch and expand the teachers’ thinking about his or her performance. Pay attention to the groups’ energy and build in frequent ice breaker and energizer activities as these are effective in building trust and comfort for learning together.
  4. Keep the learning meaningful – relevant and practical. Organize the time so that each day there are opportunities for job related activities such as hands on ah-ha-wordle-10gzot0review of student data, make and take sessions, peer review and planning of potential resources, collaborative content review and development. As the SLT, your task is to ensure that teachers have the resources necessary to encourage, capture and sustain teacher participation. In addition, SLT staff can foster deep understanding regarding the connections between learning today and its impact on student achievement.
  5. A key role for the SLT is to articulate high expectations for teacher involvement and learning. During these last weeks of school, effective SLT members are upbeat, positive, encouraging and professional. Purposeful SLT members are visible and consistent in supporting and encouraging teacher participation in the school’s learning program, offering timely feedback and questions that extend thinking and reflection and constantly reminding teachers that by working together as a professional collaborative community, students’ learning experiences will be enhanced during the next academic year.
  6. Build in some fun! Similar to our students, adults learn best when they are relaxed and intrinsically motivated. During these last weeks, ensure that there are multiple opportunities to celebrate and laugh together by recognizing milestones and achievements as well as sharing goals and aspirations for the future.

Without a doubt, the academic year is winding down and for many, the urge to gear down can be pervasive. Over the next few weeks, the challenge for SLT’s in our schools is to charge up and establish an environment and set in motion a plan which encourages and motivates teachers to recognize that this ‘down time’ offers an opportunity to learn and grow together and in effect, guarantees a relaxed and well-deserved extended holiday. Next week, I’ll offer some ideas and tips about harnessing the energy and expertise of those who are leaving the school. Stay tuned!PD Pen


‘Farch’ Thinking Hurts Teachers and Students

I continue to be surprised by the number of people who do not realize the tremendous responsibility placed on classroom teachers today. Regardless of language or culture, teachers, by nature of their profession, have an irrevocable influence on the development and learning for each child entrusted to his or her care. As I visit schools and classrooms this term, I can’t help but reflect on this reality; it is both exhilarating and frightening, depending upon the skills, knowledge and energy of the individual teacher.

I wonder if others recognize just how difficult the teaching profession is. Although from all appearance, little has changed in the process of schooling (i.e. classrooms, annual calendars, time tables, grades, homework etc.). Conversely, I would argue that expectations for teacher performance have undergone significant change over the past decade. For the moment, let’s set aside the endless heartwarming narratives in which teachers have fulfilled a meaningful parental or counsellor role in a young person’s life. Rather, let us take a look at all of those expectations and responsibilities placed on teachers as they plan for, deliver, and reflect on the act of teaching in the classroom – five days a week, 10 weeks a term and, typically, three terms the academic year.

It is difficult to imagine the amount of energy it takes to meet the above expectations on a daily basis. Classrooms can be unpredictable at the best of times and the best teachers I have seen have the remarkable skill of being sufficiently attuned to classroom dynamics so that their fully prepared “Plan B”, “C”, or even “D” is manageable, let alone effective. In many office environments, staff often have the flex time for general and informal banter around the coffee pot or water cooler. Regardless as to whether or not this practice is deemed valuable, given the typical single classroom design in the majority of schools today, such social opportunities seldom exist for the daily classroom practitioner. The reality is that for the most part, teachers work very hard, over long periods of time, and in isolation.

For both novice and experienced practitioners, the planning process is a critical, yet time-consuming responsibility. Working either as a team or an individual, the processes of researching available and/or required system documents, planning for effective and differentiated classroom experiences, designing and crafting learning activities and experiences, assessing and recording student progress, and reflecting on one’s personal performance and efficacy is difficult and time-consuming. There are no two ways about it!

In addition to the demands of the daily, monthly and annual planning processes, many teachers in the Middle East are confronted with the reality that second language teaching is much more than using images, games, and songs. Teaching students for whom English is a second language takes significant understanding, skill, and patience and when teachers underestimate or minimize the challenges and default on their professional responsibilities, not only chaos reigns in the classroom but also students become disenchanted and ultimately learning opportunities are lost.

And then we add FARCH! The Urban Dictionary defines ‘Farch’ as the combination of February and March. The term aptly depicts those long dark and very cold winter days leading up to April and the promise of spring and vitality. Many years ago, a principal colleague in Saskatchewan, Canada ascribed to the theory that when teachers shift their perspective, have fun and smile more often they are better able to survive the challenges of ‘Farch’ in schools which in turn creates a happier and healthier place for teachers and students. Over the past few weeks school visits have suggested that this time of year can feel equally long and difficult for teachers in the Middle East. Although not encumbered by snowy landscapes and frigid temperatures challenging their colleagues in Western Canada, teachers in the Gulf region unquestionably share the pressures of a demanding second term. This past month, I have encountered some typically very skilled, energetic and positive teachers moaning and groaning about the seemingly endless demands of the organization (e.g. standardized assessments, performance appraisals) as well as the challenges of motivating students whose behavior mirrors their high levels of frustration with dreary days. Although the temperatures in Abu Dhabi this year bear little resemblance to those in Saskatchewan, I hunch that Farch thinking is festering in the minds and actions of Abu Dhabi teachers as they eagerly awaiting April and the promise of sunshine and warmer temperatures. Without a doubt, when ‘Farch’ thinking creeps in, both students and teachers suffer.

During these last few weeks leading up to a well-deserved trimester break, I hope teachers in the Middle East as well as in Saskatchewan can find a few moments to sit back, reflect on the importance of their contributions as teachers and their professional responsibilities to students and their learning, regardless of the time of year and celebrate their efforts in the classroom and the staffroom. Farewell ‘Farch’! Hello April and a new beginning!PD Pen
